There is no argument swimming has some incredible health benefits. The best time of day to swim, however, depends on the reasons you are swimming, your level of experience, and your personal preferences.
For many swimmers, this time of day is peaceful and quiet. Enjoying a good swim as the sun rises can prepare both your mind and body for the day ahead.
The Pros of Swimming in the Morning
Lower Risk for Sunburn
Whenever you are outside, you do have to consider the risk of sunburn. However, since the sun’s rays don’t peak until around 10 a.m., that early morning swim can reduce your chances of getting burned. However, you should still apply a high-SPF sunscreen when swimming in the morning.

It helps you to feel energized and awake
If you have never gone for a swim in the morning because you feel too tired, then you should give it a try. A morning swim can energize you. It can also help you feel focused and alert.
You get your workout completed at the beginning of the day
When you get your workout done first thing in the morning, you don’t have to worry about things popping up later in the day that might keep you from getting your exercise routine completed. Translation? Your evenings are free to do whatever you please. Perhaps a luxurious spa is in order?
You can enjoy the tranquility of the early morning hour
One of the best things about working out in the early morning is the peaceful ambiance it offers. Imagine, too, watching a beautiful sunrise from your pool.
The Cons of Swimming in the Morning
The water might be cold
Because the sun has yet to heat up the water, it might be a bit too cold. This could lead to loss of muscle control. You need to approach cold water with caution.
You may experience reduced visibility
Low light and potential fog can reduce your ability to see well. Make sure you know your surroundings well.
Your body is not fully awake
At an early hour, you may not be as alert and limber as you would be later in the day. Before you engage in rigorous exercise in the pool, do a few stretches beforehand.
Many people prefer to swim later in the day. Before you get into the pool at this time, be sure to apply sunscreen and stay hydrated.
The Pros of Swimming in the Afternoon
It’s a great way to spend your lunch break
Which do you think would be the better way to spend that hour — hitting up the local fast food joint or swimming laps? The benefits to your health are pretty obvious.

The sun has had time to heat up the water
No need to worry about the effects of cold water if your taking your dip after lunch. That’s plenty of time for the pool to reach optimum temperature.
You’ll be more focused
You have probably gotten your work and/or errands done by now and are ready to just focus on you.
The Cons of Swimming in the Afternoon
Your risk of sunburn is greater
The sun’s rays are at their strongest until 4 p.m. It is important to reapply your sunscreen every two hours. This includes reapplication after swimming, after drying off, and after sweating.
You risk overheating
To avoid this, be sure to take regular breaks and drink water consistently. You can experience heat exhaustion while swimming.
Swimming at night can be quite enticing and even a bit luxurious or romantic. However, you do need to keep safety at top of mind. Make sure the areas around the pool are well lit. Also, swim with a companion if possible.
The Pros of Swimming at Night
A night swim gives you something to anticipate all day long
Giving yourself a treat at the end of the day — like a cool, refreshing nighttime swim — can be highly motivating to accomplish daily tasks.

Your risk for sunburn is negligible.
Swimming after the sun goes down is a fantastic way to avoid the harmful UV rays of the sun.
Your muscles are ready to go
Since you have been up and about all day, your body is more limber and warmed up.
Your body will have time to recover before bed
You don’t have to think about getting back to work or doing household chores that keep your body from relaxing.
The Cons of Swimming at Night
Visibility is reduced
Swimming in the dark can be dangerous. Make sure the swimming pool and all nearby spaces are appropriately illuminated.
It can make it more difficult to fall asleep
If you do choose to swim at night, give yourself at least one hour before going to bed.
No matter at what time you choose to swim, it is important that you simply enjoy it. When you choose a fiberglass pool from our exclusive boutique collection, you are certain to be swimming in style. For the world’s most dynamic, inground composite fiberglass pools, Aviva Pools will elevate your lifestyle.
Contact us today. We are ready to help you make your dreams come true.